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Chronic Pain Support Group

Jan 18th, 2023Intro/What is pain psychology?Pain Coping Skills Training Session 1: Introduction and Overview / Deep BreathingDr Barbiere
Feb 1st, 2023How Yoga can help with painSession 2: Yoga and PainShannon Leggett
Mar 1st, 2023Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (for Pain)Pain Coping Skills Training Session 3: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Apr 12th, 2023CBT IISession 4: Controlling Pain Through Relaxation and Pleasant Activities
May 3rd, 2023CBT IIIPain Coping Skills Training / CBT Session 5: T4: Mini-Practices and Identifying Negative Automatic Thoughts
Jun 7th, 2023CBT IIIISession 6: Cognitive Therapy and Self-Supportive Statements
Jul 5th, 2023Learning to control pain perceptionSession 7: Imagery and Attention Focusing: Counting
Aug 2nd, 2023Managing Sleep DifficultiesSession 8: Managing Sleep Difficulties
Sep 6th, 2023Rest CycleSession 9: Combating the Tendency to Overdo: The Activity – Rest Cycle
Oct 4th, 2023Developing an Individual PlanSession 10 Developing an Individual Program Plan
Nov 1st, 2023Handling Pain during the HolidaysSession 11: Holidays and pain /Pain Journaling
Dec 1st, 2023Chiropractics and PainSession 12: Relapse Prevention