Jason W. Siefferman, MD

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Jason W. Siefferman, MD

Jason W. Siefferman, MD


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Jason W. Siefferman, MD is board-certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) and Interventional Pain Medicine.

He is trained to offer a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and treatment for anyone experiencing pain or a disability. He has published articles, book chapters, and persuasive essays surrounding many of the conditions he treats.

He completed medical school at Rush Medical College in Chicago, IL, and residency and fellowship training at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. He is currently Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Pain Medicine at New York University School of Medicine.

Research Projects

09/2008 – 09/2009 “Feldenkrais Scapular Manipulation for Reduction of Spasticity Post-Stroke” Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Preeti Raghavan, PI
Role: Designed study, IRB approval, ran protocol, data analysis, results presentation
01/2009 – 09/2009 “Upper Extremity Pain in Pianists” Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Preeti Raghavan, PI
Role: Designed study, IRB approval, ran protocol, data analysis
04/2011 – 07/2011 “Patient Handoff to Acute Rehabilitation” Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Jason Siefferman, PI
Role: Designed QI study, ran protocol, data analysis, results presentation
10/2013 – Present “Pain and Rate of Relapse in Opioid-dependent Patients on Replacement Therapy” VA NY Harbor Healthcare System, Jason Siefferman, PI
Role: Designed QI study, ran protocol, data analysis
10/2014 – Present “Efficacy of Feldenkrais and Hypnotherapy for chronic pain” VA NY Harbor Healthcare System, Jason Siefferman, PI
Role: Designed QI study, ran protocol, data analysis

Invited Presentations

05/05/2009 “Reduction of Spasticity and Spastic Co-contraction Post-Stroke via Activation of Scapular Stabilizers.” Grand Rounds, Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
05/22/2012 “Patient Handoffs in Rehabilitation Medicine.” Grand Rounds, Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
06/06/2012 “Patient Safety: Handoffs in Rehabilitation Medicine.” Lecture, New York Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY
10/20/2012 “Occipital Neuralgia after Hair Transplantation: A Case Report.” Poster award presentation, NYSIPP/NJSIPP Pain Medicine Symposium, Jersey City, NY
10/31/2013 “Rehabilitation of Chronic Low Back Pain.” Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Pain Medicine, NYU School of Medicine
1/22/2014 “Neuropathic Pain.” Department of Neurology, NYU School of Medicine
2/24-25/2015 “Pain Management for Primary Care”, Faculty Development Program, Dept. of Internal Medicine, NYU School of Medicine
4/14/2015 “Anatomy and Physiology of Nociception.” Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, NYU School of Medicine
10/29/2015 “Pain Management in the Older Adult.” NICHE interdisciplinary Geriatrics program, NYU School of Medicine
3/24/2016 “Pain Management in the Older Adult.” NICHE interdisciplinary Geriatrics program, NYU School of Medicine


Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. Siefferman JW, Lin E, and Fine JS. Patient safety at handoff in rehabilitation medicine. Rehab Clin N Amer, A Cristian, ed. 23:2, 2012
  2. Siefferman JW. Postamputation pain in the geriatric population. Topics in Pain Mgmt. 29:7, 2013
  3. Siefferman JW. Treatment of postamputation pain in the geriatric population. Topics in Pain Mgmt. 29:8, 2013
  4. Siefferman J, Khelemsky Y. Occipital neuralgia after hair transplantation and its treatment. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2015:428413
  5. Siefferman JW, Lai G. Propranolol for paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity with lateralizing hyperhidrosis after strokeCase Rep Neurol Med. 2015:421563
  6. Kiritsy M, Siefferman JW. When do lumbar epidural steroid injections help? A systematic review: Part 1. Topics in Pain Mgmt. 31:8, March 2016
  7. Kiritsy M, Siefferman JW. When do lumbar epidural steroid injections help? A systematic review: Part 2. Topics in Pain Mgmt. 31:9, April 2016

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

  1. Siefferman JW and Sabini R. Brain Injury. In Sackheim K, ed. Rehab Clinical Pocket Guide. New York: Springer; 2013.
  2. Siefferman JW, Sahler C, Shetreat-Klein A. Spinal Cord Injury. In Sackheim K, ed. Rehab Clinical Pocket Guide. New York: Springer; 2013.
  3. Lin E, Siefferman JW, and Ho J. Electrodiagnostic Studies. In Sackheim K, ed. Rehab Clinical Pocket Guide. New York: Springer; 2013.
  4. Siefferman JW. Post-Amputation Pain. In Sackheim K, ed. Pain Management and Palliative Care. New York: Springer; 2015

Book Chapters under review

  1. Siefferman JW. Doping, Drug Abuse, and Therapeutic Drug Use in Boxing. In: Jordan BD and Herrera JE, eds. Medical Aspects of Boxing. 2nd ed. New York: Humana Press

Jason W. Siefferman, MD's Reviews

Dr. Siefferman, Dr. Nino, Dr. Barbiere and Adam have changed my life completely. They are helping me manage multiple chronic conditions. They are easily accessible through email and they still...
I've trained with Dr. Jason Siefferman and have known him for over a decade now and I can attest that he is thorough, highly knowledgeable and an expert in his...
Dr. Siefferman and his crew are absolutely amazing! I was in pain for 15+ years and within three months was in none! If I could give more than 5 stars...